Monday, January 2, 2017

6 Moments That Happened in 2016

So many great things happened in 2016 in my life and I could not be more grateful for an amazing year. I am so thankful for the family and friends that I have in my life and who stay with me through anything. Life can be a roller-coaster of emotions sometimes and having people who are there for you is something to really cherish in life. Never take for granted the people who are in your life and make sure to thank them often. Now on to my recap of my year! 

1. I walked across the stage for my associate's degree. I actually received my degree in December of 2015 but, didn't walk across the stage at my college until May of 2016. It was an amazing experience and I suggest if you have the opportunity to do so, you should. I then had a small family party at my house and could not be more grateful for the support from my family and friends. 

 My mom, my dad, and I 

2. I turned 21 and had an amazing weekend with my family and friends in saratoga springs New York. Saratoga is my favorite place in New York and it was amazing to be able to spend an entire weekend there with my family and my best friends. 

3. Kyle and I had our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe how fast 2 years goes by, I keep telling Kyle I think it's so cool how this year everything will be our 3rd time doing something. Our 3rd Christmas, we will go on our 3rd summer vacation together, we will have celebrated 3 brithdays together, and etc.

4. I started working on my bachelor's degree and started at a new college. I am really enjoying it!

5. My family and I took Kyle to South Carolina for the first time. This time was also really special because I drove part of the way down for the first time in my own car. It was kinda cool and kinda terrifying all at the same time. 

6. I went to a Dixie Chicks concert. This was a huge deal to me and to the girls in my family. Last year for Christmas my grandmother gave me, my mom, my aunts, and my girl cousins all tickets to a local dixie chicks concert. My entire family are huge fans of this country girl group and the last time they came here I was 5. I waited 15 years to see this concert again and I was not disappointed.

Here's to an amazing 2017 may it be filled with fun, laughter, and Dixie Chicks.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've had an amazing year! I bet seeing the Dixie Chicks was so much fun!
