Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy New year 2015!

So with the new year officially here I guess I should work on some new years resolutions. Every year I make some resolutions and never stick to them. Which seems to be the case with most everyone who makes them, but this year I want to try hard at these one. I feel as though they will make me a happier person.
  1. Stay more positive 
    I am very easily discouraged or set in a bad mood, so this year I want to try to stay positive and look for the good in all situations. This isn’t something I’m usually good at for the most part I let things get to me really easy and sometimes get in to a bad mood because of the things I let get to me.
  2. Stay healthyOkay so to be totally honest here because this is my blog and it is about who I am. My skin is awful, my acne has resurfaced after being controlled for about 3-4 months and I can not get it back controlled. Nothing is working and it is driving me crazy, which isn’t helping cause that is probably making it worse. So this year I am going to keep my skin healthy by washing it every night and morning. To be honest I always get lazy about washing my face, yes yes I know washing your face is the best thing you can do for your face. But sometimes your girl gets tired… and I hate to say it but yes lazy. I also really need to drink more water. I love a tall glass filled with ice and coke but that can start to be really unhealthy so a tall glass filled with ice it is.
  3. work hardThe last one this year is to work hard. Not just at work but with everything I do. This year I want to work hard and feel accomplished at the end of the year, to look back and say that was a good year but I worked hard for it. This year I want to work hard first at work, in both of my jobs and give them my all. My teaching job especially mainly because I can put my touch and use my creativity with that job more than my other one. Second I want to work hard on school. School is so important to me and I really need to work extra hard this next semester in order to get in to the school of my dreams.
Cheers to 2015 being the best year yet!

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