Sunday, February 8, 2015

The winter blues

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time of the year, usually in the winter. This is defiantly something that affects me during the winter months. Everything is so dark and cold and there’s not much to do in my town and if you do find something to do, chances are it will be canceled due to the insane amounts of snow we get.
         This weather can really cause you to become sad and feel lonely much like it has to me. But you can’t let it get you down. So I thought I would come up with a couple ways to beat the winter SAD!

1. Cuddle with some hot coco and watch a nice movie.
I highly recommend the best of me it was a great movie and       love story to read!
2. Read a good book! Take this time and relax read that book you keep putting off. Sit next to a fire and have some you time.
3. Go skiing! I taught my boy friend and one of my friends to ski this winter. It’s such a fun activity to do with your friends if everyone is able!
4. Start cooking! This cold weather has caused for a lot of yummy food in my household. As I type my mother is making a ham with all the works!
5. Take a warm bubble bath. Things can get stressful around this time of year a good way unwind is to take a warm bath and listen to some soothing music!

Hope some of this helps I know it does for me! 

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