Monday, November 28, 2016

Chatty Monday (Thanksgiving recap, Blogmas)

I hope you all have had an amazing Thanksgiving, anytime that I can spend quality time with my family is a good time. This year was really nice because my cousins from Boston came and it was super nice to see them. There are so many babies in my family so it is so fun and entertaining to see them run around my grandparent's house. If you want to see what I wore on Thanksgiving you can check out my post here. On Friday we had our second Thanksgiving at my other grandparent's house which was really nice to see them, because, we don't get to see them that much due to them living a little further away.

I am so excited to tell you all that I will be doing Blogmas this year. If you don't know what blogmas is, it just pretty much means that I will be posting Christmas/holiday content every day in December all the way up to Christmas. I've been working so hard on pulling together some great gift guides, holiday outfits and so much more! 

I thought I would give you guys a sneak peak of what is to come during the next month. This past week I got these stickers and I used this free printable planner sheet. I haven't filled in everyday because I wanted to keep some spots open but I think this layout is so cute. 

Cyber Monday...
I have bought a bunch of amazing gifts this past weekend... I would tell you about them but the people I bought them for read my blog so it wouldn't be much of a secret anymore. There are so many deals going on right now I literally have to stop looking or I will spend every penny I have. 

So I hope that everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and that you are as excited for blogmas as I am!

Other Chatty Mondays: 1 | 2

1 comment:

  1. Love your cute little calendar! Do you currently use a planner system? If not, you should! You seem like the type that would love the fun decorating that comes with it. :) I was a big fan of the Happy Planner and am loving doing a Bullet Journal in my Filofax.

    Top Knots & Sweatpants
