Thursday, August 18, 2016

Road Trip Essentials

Tomorrow my family, kyle, and I are all headed to South Carolina Myrtle Beach for our yearly family summer vacation. This year is a little different because it is Kyles first time going to myrtle beach, and because this is the first time Kyle and I will be driving 12 hours by ourselves. I am so excited, a little nervous but mostly excited. 

This little list I came up with will hopefully make our car ride a little more enjoyable Kyle likes the car super cold so the most needed thing in my list will be the sweatshirt. We are going to switch driving every now and then so Kyles most important item will be his new DS2 that I gave him for our anniversary. For the both of us the AAA car kit is a super important item just in case something happens, we will have tools. 

What is your road trip essential?


  1. Summers are the perfect time for road trips -- and this is the perfect round up of what to bring.

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

  2. This is great, such a perfect idea for a blog post! We should keep in touch, I love making new blogger friends, you seem so lovely! x

    1. I would love that, I love new blogger friends as well!
